Hallå friends and family! Well, this is it, my last letter I will be writing home. :) I can't believe it has actually come. The feelings felt can not be described just nu. Ahhh! Almost about the same feeling leaving home. Excited, scared, sad, happy! So many mixed emotions. This has been the greatest thing I have ever done. I am so grateful for the gospel, this mission, the people who have changed my life here, and most especially my Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the time I got to give for His sake. :) God is good.
My family will be coming to Sweden this Thursday and we will be travelling around for a few weeks so that will be a blast! Excited to show them around my swedish homes for the last year and a half. :) I can't believe I am actually going to see them again. Doesn't feel real.
Anyways, this week was a good one because it was Påsk (Easter)! Some sweet members invited us over to their beautiful house and we painted easter eggs and had a little easter lunch. :) We have been showing everyone the Prince of Peace video and talking about how the Resurrection gives us hope, comfort, and peace. Easter is the best.
We had a lot of syster vistors stay with us this week too! There was train the trainers, and this self-reliance class put on for us missionaries going home. It was weird at first to be hearing about all the things we have to worry about when we go home...lol. School, majors, career, job, payments, housing, social life, and many more. It was a little overwhelming at first but good to be getting an idea of life back home haha instead of cold turkey trying to figuring out these things på en gång. Gotta say I'm going to miss not having to worry that stuff, but it will also be good to come back to it as well. It feels time. Made me really want to soak in these last missionary days though.
Later in the week on Påskafton me and Syster Gill went to Näsbypark to swing by this lady. Oh my goodness it was beautiful! We couldn't get over the nice weather and the water view and the birds churping and just the happy feeling of spring! Det här landet är såå otroligt vackert. :) It was a great day to start påsk.
The next day on easter we woke up and it snowed lol. So much for our spring vibes haha. We made the most of it though and walked to church and just had a wonderful time at church with everyone. Us missionaries and many others did musical numbers and then we had a big fika afterwards! It was a great day. :)
Sad to be saying goodbye to all the people I have met here. I can not even express how much I love you all. It's not goodbye forever though. :) I will be back very soon.
Jag vill avsluta med mitt vitnesbörd att jag vet det här är Herrens verk. Denna är hans kyrka. Jag vet det eftersom jag har känt det. Jag har känt friden och glädjen som kommer från det. Kristus är vår frälsare. Om du följa honom kan du också känna det storsta lycka som finns. Jag är en vittne om det. Om du läsa Mormons Bok kommer du att känna sanningen som står där inne. Det vittnar om Kristus och hur vi kan hitta ljuset tack vare honom. Jag är så tacksam för människorna som har offrat så mycket för oss att ha evangeliet idag. Jag är tacksam för att jag kunde vara en missionär här för ett kort stund och delar med mig något som har gjort mig så glad. Gud är så god. Jag älskar honom. Jag ska står för hans namn tills dagen jag dör. :) Jag älskar er och önskar er ett underbart liv fullt av glädje och ljus.
Tack för att ni finns och tack för att ni lyssnade. :) Ha det så bra och vi ses. :)
Med Kärlek,
Syster Davis
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