"With joy, wend your way." • Oct 2015 - April 2017 • Updated weekly by my Mom and Dad •
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Okay so there is like a whole week of Christmas here not just one day so I'm going to morph all the days together. ;) I alla fall, this week has been crazy and awesome. The Swedes really do know how to celebrate Christmas. :) We went to so many homes this week and had so much amazing food. I also finally had PERSIAN food! Jätta bra! Best day ever. We also had amazing Swedish food, like glögg and julmust, and salmon, and meatballs, and pepparkaka. :) For our christmas present we got to watch Tangled in Swedish and Polar Express. Such a treat. Me and this sweet member named Celine were fancying over Flynn Rider lol. We also took a family district photo with all our ugly christmas sweaters and went sledding with the little kids. It was the steepest hill I have ever seen and they kept crashing into trees! They would just laugh and go again haha. This little girl named Sorra thought it was so funny that I could not understand what she was saying (she spoke fluent Swedish lol). I kept saying, Jag kan inte förstår dig! (I can't understand you) And she was like Jag kan inte engelska! (I can't speak english!) and would laugh so hard. My swedish needs some work lol. Anyways, the people here are the sweetest and they made us feel right at home. We played a ton of games too and had so many laughs. I got to skype my family too which was a highlight as well! :) It felt like I was at home again. It was probably the best present of the whole day to see them. :) Being here for the holidays is such a blessing and an adventure. Even though I am far from home I am loving it here!! This place starts to feel like home each and everyday. I hope you all had a great Jul (Christmas) and a Happy New Year!
Syster Davis :)
Monday, December 21, 2015
Northern Lights! Christmas Conference!
Merry Christmas alla! Hope you're having a great winter break. This week was very busy and fun. We got to go down to Stockholm for Christmas Conference. :) It was our P-Day when we got there so we explored all around the city and toured the area. There were lights and people everywhere! It reminded me kinda like what New York City would be like. Being here during Christmas is such a dream and it is absolutely beautiful. Maybe I'll get to serve there someday. :) I also ran into some of my MTC Friends too!! Äldste Moultron, Äldste Bentson, Syster May, Syster Campbell, and Syster Svensson. It was so great seeing them. I miss my whole MTC posse so much! We also sang Christmas carols on the streets of Stockholm and passed out Pepparkaka. :) It was so great. We stayed with the Täby systers for the night and then had Jul Conference the next day. The Beckstrands and the assistants put on this amazing meeting for us. It was about different Christ-like attributes. Äldste Sahlin talked about the fishermen who dropped their nets and came unto Christ. He talked about how sometimes we are like those fishermen, and sometimes we need to drop those nets, and just drop those things that are holding us back from coming closer to Christ. I loved that. After the meeting we had a delicious lunch and had a white elephant exchange! I got reindeer head magnet and Sys Brink got these two Star Wars Masks and Vitamin D lol. After that we had a long train ride back to Sundsvall and told stories on the way. It looked like the movie Brother Bear outside for some reason to me too haha. Anyways It's been pretty same-old same-old since being back. We taught the 2 great Iranian guys the Plan of Salvation and they loved it! They said that for some reason that it sounded familiar to them, like they've heard it somewhere before. :) They are GOLDEN! They came to church again too and have baptism dates for January. They are the best! We went Christmas caroling this week too with the young men and young women too. The Swedes are so sweet. :) It was so fun! Also me and Syster Brink have been obsessed with these 90s seminary gospel library videos we found. We watch them during dinner sometimes and laugh so hard. I'm pretty sure Brother Stowe (my seminary teacher) showed us a few of these during class once. The background music in them is prime too lol. This week too while we were contacting this drunk guy told us this whole story about a monster living in his basement and he even acted it out for us haha. At the end he was like, 'Grup Kram!!' (group hug!) and grabbed us in a hug. It was interesting haha. Highlight of the entire week though...We saw the Northern lights!! :) Something I can check off my bucket list. ;) We opened our huge back window, popped some popcorn, and just watched. It seriously was unreal. My pictures don't do it much justice. I was talking to Sys Brink about how much the stars and the night sky strengthen my testimony. :) And after seeing the Norrsken it just escalated even more! I love Sweden. I love being a missionary. I love my family (whom I miss dearly), I love helping others gain their own testimony (even if its just a small seed planted), and I LOVE this gospel! Thanks for everything everyone, and until next time. :) God Jul!
Monday, December 14, 2015
First week in Sverige! :) St. Lucia!
Hey alla! It has been a little while since I last got to write! This past week and a half has been so eventful. We all got our visas and made it safely to Sweden. The plane rides were so fun and full of many laughs. We met up in Chicago with the other Äldstrar from last transfer who got reassigned for 6 weeks. It was so fun to meet more Swedish missionaries! I got to call my family too which was great. :) We finally got to Sweden and the Beckstrands and the assistants were there to greet us. We were all so wiped out and kept falling asleep throughout the day. They took us all around Stockholm and showed us a bunch of cool landmarks. We had such an amazing dinner too. Best chicken I've ever had. ;) We had a few more meetings and then we retired at the mission home for the night. We got a much needed rest. The next day was so exciting. We got to see the Stockholm temple and found out our areas we were going to be serving at, and who our trainers would be. :) It felt like opening another mission call lol. They gave us all letters and when they called our name we would go to the front and read where we were going and everyone cheered! They told us one of us Systers were going to Norland and I had a feeling for some reason that it was me haha. I opened my call and I was right. ;) 'You are called to labor in the Sundsvall area and you will be trained by Syster Brink!' It was so exciting! :) It was so sad saying goodbye to all my MTC friends but hopefully I'll get to see them again. We took a 4 hour train and finally arrived in Sundsvall. I can tell you it is so beautiful here, but COLD. lol. And it's not even the coldest month yet. Please pray for me. ;) And I absolutely LOVE Syster Brink! She is the best and she helps me so much with my struggle in everything. She decorated the apartment so adorably and it was nice and homie and I settled in so quickly. :) They told me that they see the Northern lights here sometimes so I'm keeping an eye out for those! The next day we went right to work. We went out and I did my first contacting! I was so scared before but it actually isn't too bad haha. All I can say is, 'Excuse me,' 'How are you,' and 'We are missionaries with the Church of Jesus Christ.' In Swedish, 'Ursäkta mig,' 'Hur är det med dig?' and 'Vi är missionärer med Jesu Kristi Kyrka.' And then Syster Brink takes over and talks to them in her amazing fluent Swedish lol. This one dude told us he believes Christianity is Communist and Capitalism and that God is an alien. lol Some people here say they funniest things. After that we went to an appointment with a member. Even though I didn't really know what was going on (happens a lot haha) I could still feel the spirit so strongly! All I heard was 'Vi är Gods döttrar.' and I lost it. The members here are so sweet. Another really cool lesson we had were with these 2 guys from Iran. :) They only know Persian and a little English so this new member who knew both fluently translated our whole lesson to them! :) We taught them the first half of the plan of Salvation and they loved it. We also had a cool deep talk about Adam and Eve so that was cool. They are the sweetest guys ever. I helped them find persian Bibles at the iphone app store too since they were looking everywhere for them. They came to church this last Sunday too and taught us a little bit of Persian during Sunday School. They have a baptism date for January so hopefully it works out. :) All the missionaries in our district went to St. Lucia after church too! It was so pretty. :) I'll be sure to send pictures! We had this yummy lunchin after church too and they had the best food. Where has this food been all my life?! lol They have this yummy Jul (Christmas) Soda called Julmust and its pretty good. And these ginger breads that I had like 10 of! haha Were going to Stockholm today too for Christmas Conference so were pretty excited for that. So far it's been a great first week here. Even though I get so tired by the end of the day it is so worth it and I love every second of being here! I miss you all and hope you're all doing great! Love you all and God Jul! :) Vi ses nästa vecka.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Thanksgiving!! Last week at the MTC!
Well this is it. My last letter here at the MTC. :) Last P-day Äldste Bentson and Äldste Hadley ran down to our resident to us telling us we got our flight plans!! We leave Dec 7 at 3:30 in the morning and we are all so pumped! We are praying everything goes smoothly. The next time I write home I'll be out in the field! :) We are counting down the days! Anyways this past week was soooo fun. Thanksgiving was a blast. Our district all got up super early and waited out in line in the freezing cold to get good seats for the apostle devotional. We all practiced our Swedish together while we waited and the Russian elders sang us some Russian Hymns. It reminded me of waiting in line for a concert lol. It was a party. ;) After an hour or so they finally let us in and the apostle was...(drum roll) Dallin H. Oaks!! Me and Äldste Nielson made a bet who it was going to be. I guessed Utchdorf or Bednar and he guessed Holland or Monson. Who ever lost was going to have to stand during the opening song. Luckily none of us had too. ;) Anyways the devotional was so perfect. Elder Oaks had his whole family come and play different musical numbers. His famous violinist daughter Jenny Oaks Baker came too! She was incredible. Elder Oaks' talk was great too. It was about the spirit of thanksgiving and cool quotes from the founding fathers. It set the mood for the rest of Thanksgiving so perfectly. :) After that we all chilled in our class for an hour or so and talked about what we liked in the meeting and watched a few Mormon Messages and stuff (Our source of entertainment here haha.) Then it was time for THANKSGIVING DINNER. Best meal at the MTC so far. They had everything. :) And the mashed potatoes were actually real! It was so fun celebrating this holiday with all my missionary friends. I was worried I was going to be homesick during the day but I weirdly wasn't at all! (Still miss you family haha). It was such a blessing to feel right at home during this day. After that we all recuperated from our meal by watching a movie!! :) We got to watch 17 Miracles. Dang that movie is a tear-jerker. I cried through the whole thing. It was about the pioneers moving west and all these trials they endured so the gospel and themselves, could survive. I am so grateful for their sacrifice and it set the mood for thanksgiving even higher! After watching it I felt like I should never complain about anything again. My life is so easy compared to theirs. Loved every minute of it and I recommend it to anyone. After that we got to do this service project! It was fun. We organized 357,000 meals for needy families. We had an assembly line and my job was the weight the baggies and add or take away rice so it was a perfect measure. :) It was fun we all laughed and joked while doing it and made friends with the French elders who were helping us. After that we got to go outside and enjoy all the Christmas lights they put outside. It was so beautiful and snowing at the same time! Me, Syster May, Äldste Johnson and Äldste Nielson were trying to take some cool jumping pictures with the lights. It was a fail. ;) We had one last devotional until we went to bed. I can honestly say that this was one of the best Thanksgivings ever. After our holiday we got back to the normal grind. ;) Even after just one day of not speaking Swedish, me and Syster May were a bit rusty in our lessons haha. We butchered a few but quickly made a comeback! Sunday was fun too. President Parkes gave a talk about the Polar Express and he related hearing the bell the feeling the spirit. I lost it during his talk. Such a great talk and it made me feel the Christmas spirit. :) We all did our usual temple walk on Sunday too and it was our last day with the Icelandic Elders and Syster Ogaard (Who left for Denmark last Monday). We took heaps of pictures. We also woke up the next day at 3:00am to help her take her stuff to the travel office! Miss her so much already! But yeah, the past few days have been so busy and awesome! Swedish is going so well, teaching is going so well, and packing is getting there lol. We're making our last days here count and working hard. :) I'm so grateful to be here and have loved it so much. The MTC is great! The gospel is great! and all of you are great! Thanks for the letters and packages. :) I won't be at the MTC anymore so you can send them to the new address if you so desire. ;) I wish you all the best holiday season!! and can't wait to update you all next week when i'm hopefully in Sweden!!
Till nästa tid. :)
Kärlek Syster Davis
P.S. Äldste Scott from Australia wrote down a list of all the Australian lingo so I've been using it now and then. ;) My favorite is "Crikey" and "Heaps." Lol. Hej Då för ny! Vi ses senare. :)
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Early Thanksgiving :)
Hej igen! :) Hur ar ni? Hope you're all having a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Wish I could be there for it. ;) This week is pretty exciting though. Tomorrow we have an entire day of service, and devotionals for thanksgiving! Also a general authority is going to come speak to us. :) I hoping for Uchtdorf or Bednar. ;) Can't wait to find out who it is. I'll have to wait for next P-day to tell you who it is. We also have a huge service project too, where we get to make small meals for needy families. :) Thanksgiving is just the best! Jag ar sa taggard!! Another reason this week is exciting is.. we get our travel plans!! :) We are all freaking out a little. We are crossing our fingers we get out visas on time. The Icelandic elders got their travel plans last week and we all went crazy at dinner haha. We're going to miss them so much! They've been here for 9 weeks and leave this Monday! I'll have to send a picture of them next P-day. Oh also! At the MTC they have all these flashback pictures in the halls of people on missions and I found one of Sister Falck on her mission in Brazil! It was so cute to see. I took a screen shot of it so I'll send it. :) Sister Falck was one of my young women leaders growing up and I miss her so much! This week we also got to talk to a RM from Sweden during TRC. It was so fun! Her name was Erin Mod. She got us so pumped for our mission. Can't believe we only have a week and a half left!! :) The time is flying by so fast. This week was Aldste Jamsa's birthday too so we all wrote him a card and sang to him in the Swedish birthday song. It is way better than the American birthday song lol. ;) Also we had chocolate-covered grapes from Aldste Nelson's mom! They sounded weird at first but they are SOOOO GOOD. :) Sunday was fun too, we got to have another movie night. We watched the Joseph Smith Restoration movie. We were excited because Aldste Nelson is actually in it so it was fun looking for him in it. That movie reminds me so much of when I used to watch it in the LA Temple visitors center with my family. Miss them so much! I say this every week but thanks for all the letters and packages :) I am grateful for all the love I get from you guys! The presents and gifts mean so much to me. To all my friends getting ready to head out on your mission, get ready for the best experience ever!! :) I've barely even started my mission but I can't feel myself growing so much already. I'm so excited and anxious to get out there in the actual field. :) There are hard times but that comes with anything in life, eller hur? (right?) ;) Just make the best of it and, "have a blast," as our choir director says. :) Anyways I wish I had some cool experiences to share but its pretty much the same old same old everyday here at the MTC lol. We practice teaching and learn Swedish everyday. Hopefully it will be more interesting once I leave haha! To close, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow!! :) make sure to eat lots of stuffing and turkey for me and remember to be thankful for everyday! I'm so thankful for my mission and my family and my friends and this entire gospel and most importantly my Savior. :) I love you all so much and wish you all a splendid holiday!
Love, Syster Davis
P.S. Our teacher Sister Bass said she went to an ABBA museum in Stockholm on P-day so I'm definitely looking out for that. :) Bye for now!
Friday, November 20, 2015
Half way through the MTC!!
Hej hej everyone. :) Okay the time here goes so incredibly fast. I can not believe I'm already half way done at the MTC. This week was so greatt! It was our first time we got to do TRC. Aka teach real Swedish LDS members a short spiritual lesson. :) It was so cute! We taught these two elderly ladies first and then this guy named Jon. Their Swedish was sooo good! It was hard to understand but we managed. ;) Another highlight this week (shout out to the cafeteria) was that I had the best the best cheesecake I ever had! Gram Canyon cheesecake!! Me and Syster May died, it was so good. We also are big fans of the cranberry, goat cheese, spinach salad lol. I have been careful not to gain my missionary 50 pounds while here. ;) but it can be hard when they throw all this amazing cheesecake at you! haha. This Sunday was busy too! I taught relief society, district meeting with Syster May, and gave a talk in sacrament meeting! It was definitely one for the books. There is no way I did it all by myself though. 90% of the things I said I had no idea where it came from. It's amazing how much the spirit helps you when your a missionary. ;) Me and Syster May also decided to do choir this week. It was so fun! The choir director is so funny. Most of the people there just come to hear his great stories. ;) He's so inspirational too. A quote he said that I wrote down was, "All the good in the world comes from when someone loves another. All the bad in the world comes from when someone chose to be selfish." I don't know if i perfectly quoted that but it was along the lines of that. :) I loved it. We sang a cool remix of "Have I done any good in the world today." So many feels when singing it! We got some new dutch elders in our zone too this week too. They are so cool!! They always play volleyball with us too. One of them is also from Pirua Peru!! Right where my best friend Kyleigh Pay is serving! He was so happy when I told him I have a friend serving there. He told me to tell her to wear lots of bug spray. :) Another thing that was cool this week was that I started reading the New Testament from the beginning and getting super deep into it. Jesus' sermon on the mount was so incredible it gave my chills. He talked about how we should let our light so shine before men and how we should love our enemies and those who persecute us. No one really persecutes us here in our MTC bubble lol, but as we get to the field, I'm sure that will be different. Sometimes I get worried I won't know what to say. Then I read Matthew 10:16-20 when Jesus is preparing his disciples to go out and teach the people. I got a little teary eyed because I felt the scripture was talking to me personally. I would write it out but I don't have a lot of time so you'll just have to look it up. ;) The scriptures are so true and I love them so much! They are my best friend here.:) (Next to my amazing companion Syster May!) It's weird how much I cry here too. Not because I'm sad or homesick, but because of how much my heart hurts with all the love I feel from the spirit on the daily. I don't deserve any of it either,God is so great. I can't wait to pour that love on the people I meet in Sweden as well. :) I love you all and miss you everyday! Thank you for your prayers and your letters. We still have no word on our visas but I'll keep you posted! Vi ses snart. :) Karlek Syster Davis P.s. Aldste Scott in our district from australia joined our Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, and Pretty Little Liar club lol apparently he watched them before his mission too. We laughed so hard when he told us he loved all those show! I love my zone!!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Happy November!!
Wow I can't believe its already P-Day again! Hope you all had a great Halloween I forgot to add that last time. I'm starting to get in the groove of things here. :) My district is seriously my family now and I love them so much. Here at the MTC, the littlest things are so much fun. Like a few days ago we needed to take a "Paus" (swedish for break) and we started throwing pens and tape rolls in the air, and we tried to throw the pens in the Elder's shirt pocket too. ;) It sounds dumb but it was fun haha. I also saw Mark Stapley, Max Flora, and Rio Shepard here too!! It's so great seeing familiar faces. :) My district was playing volleyball with Elder Stapley and they thought he was so good. Gym time is so fun, we meet all these people from around the world and talking about where they are serving. Sunday was such an emotional day too. Our favorite Dutch Elders. Eldste Dearden and Eldste Geeraert were leaving for Belgium the next day! They both gave short farewells testimonies in Dutch. Even though I couldn't understand everything, I could totally feel to spirit so strong. And to top off our Sunday... They let us watch Meet the Mormons for a Sunday movie night!! I was so excited because I've never seen it and I am a huge movie lover so it was fun to sit back and relax and enjoy a movie again after all our hard work! ;) I teared up at the part when the sweet German grandpa dropped candy off out of his plane for the kids in communist Berlin at the time. It reminded me of my mom and my ancestors for some reason. ;) Thank you so much for the DearElders too! My district always makes fun of me because I freak out whenever I get mail. :) It's one of the highlights of my day! Swedish is going well too. Our teachers Brother Cheney and Sister Bass are so awesome. They both served in Sweden so its fun hearing about their stories while we learn. We are all praying our visas go through because the group before us didn't get theirs in time. They told us there are so many middle eastern refugees coming over to Sweden that is it backing up the visa system. Even though it makes it harder for us to get over, I am so excited more refugees are coming over!! :) I would love to met some and hear about their lives. Also share a spiritual message with them and Mormons Bok as well. ;) Our teacher said he learned a little Farsi and Arabic on his mission there so I'm hoping I will too! Then I can understand my Middle Eastern friends when I get home. ;) On Tuesday we had a really great devotional by Hugo Montoya! It was seriously so sweet. He is from Mexico and a part of the quorum of the 70! He talked about his mission in Mexico and how our mission isn't a competition. He said we should never try to compare ourselves to other missionaries. The only person we should compare to imitate is our Lord Jesus Christ. I loved that so much. He also said people always say his name sounds like the guy from Princess Bride. ;) We all had a good laugh out of that. Anyways I wish I had more interesting stories to share with you guys but everyday is pretty much the same. Being here for 2 weeks I can already feel myself growing and learning so many things. It's like a never-ending EFY here. ;) It's so incedible here, but it will be nice to escape the MTC walls and get tillbaka out in the real world (as a missionary of course). Even though my Swedish has a long way to go, I'm ready for whatever the Lord needs me for. :) Hope you are all having a great November! They are starting to put Christmas lights up here and it makes me so happy. Till nästa vecka!! Mycket kärlek, Syster Davis
P.S Alma 32:21-22 is great ;) Helped me a lot this week! Vi ses snart :)
Good Bye dutch elders!
I apologize for so many emails. The MTC computers are not that great so I'm trying still figure out a away to make it so I don't have to send each photo seperate! thanks for you patience and I promise all tone it down soon! If my emails are annoying you too you can block them, I won't get my feelings hurt. ;) thanks again!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
First Week at the MTC!!
Hejsan alla! :) Where do I begin. First of all this week has been one of the most overwhelming, exciting, stressful, spiritual, fun, scary, and best weeks ever. :) My mom dropping me off was probably the hardest thing thing I had to do out of everything so good thing I got that over with. That was even harder than teaching someone the gospel all in Swedish, which we had to do our third day here! When I got dropped off I was escorted by this sweet girl named Sister Lowrey who was going to Japan on her mission. She showed me where to get my name tag and showed me to my room. :) After that we had out first class with out district and we all introduced ourselves in Swedish. We laughed the entire time since we had no idea what out teacher was saying. I have only been here 7 days with my district and we are already all best friends! :) Our schedule is so crazy and its go-go-go every second but it helps to not think about home so thats nice. At first I seriously thought about giving up because it was so much and I missed my friends and family so much, but I kept telling myself to get through each day the best I can. The Lord has defienetly helped me with that. After Sunday and our district temple walk I felt so refreshed and knew I was right where I was supposed to be. My companion Syster May and I get along so well too :) I couldn't ask for a more amazing first companion! We also met on Instagram before so its like we already knew each other! The other Swedish Systers ( Syster Hall and Syster Campbell ) are great too. We all bond on the show Gossip Girl and make of funny missionary songs to Fergie. ;) Our zone is so cool too! We have people going to Iceland Norway, Denmark, Holland, and The Netherlands! Its cool because all our languages are kinda similar so we can sorta all understand eachother so thats fun too! We had to teach an investigator in Swedish and its crazy how much the gift of tongues works. I did do something so embarrassing though haha. We were teaching her how to pray so I said "First we fold our arms.." so in swedish I said "Forsta vi vikar våra vapen." After I said that out investigator was like "Vad?!" and I was like huh? oh no what did I do wrong...and she was like, "You said 'First we fold our guns.'" Everyone started laughing so hard haha. I guess it was more funny than embarrassing ;) Anyways I wish I could say a million more things but I don't have a lot of time to write so I just want to end with saying, Jag älskar ni!! Thanks for all the packages and letters and DearElders you send me. They help me so much and they make my day everyday! If I could give any advice to my soon-to-be missionary friends I would say Just get through this first week and never loose faith in the Lord :) You can get through it! Its hard the first few days but I promise it gets better. Also hug your families a lot!! I miss my family every single day and dream every night of when I will get to see them again. But I have to keep telling myself everyday I wake up is one less day I'm in the mission field so I need to enjoy every second of it because it will be over in a blink of an eye. All and all I miss you all so much I wish you the best! Thanks for the prayers and support I love it so much and I can't wait to see what the next 77 weeks of my mission have in store! Hope you all I had a fun Halloween too :) Thanks again! Till next week! Hej då för nu!
Syster Davis
p.s. It sucks being a slow typer!! haha Vi ses snart :)



Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My Farewell!
This last Sunday I gave my farewell talk! It was such a wonderful day. A lot of my friends and family came down for support and it was so fun to see them. My talk went pretty well too! I talked about some experiences that made me feel I should serve a mission. For example, my Nicaragua trip back in summer 2014, or my relief society calling at BYU last year. I was so nervous giving it, but I prayed before asking that I would be articulate and calm. My prayer definitely worked. Afterwards some friends came up to me and told me I didn't seem nervous at all! Either they were just being nice or my prayers really were answered. ;) I'm so grateful for that spirit that guides and helps us. I know I'm going to need that a lot on my mission. Mckenzie Hunter also gave her homecoming that day too! She just got back from her mission in Peru. It was so fun hearing about all her experiences. It got me so excited to have my own experiences similar to hers. I still can't believe she's already back too! I felt like that went really fast.
Later after church, we had a Swedish food extravaganza at our house! Me and my mom stocked up on Swedish treats from Ikea. We got meatballs and the famous Lingonberry sauce to go with it. It was quite delicious. :) It tasted like cranberry sauce but 10X better! It will be interesting to see how similar the food I eat in Sweden will be to the one we made at the party. I'll keep you all posted! ;) Today is also my last day at mission prep with Brother Griner! I'm so sad to leave his class but it's weird I've been there already for 6 months! Where does the time go?! Anyways I'm so excited to start my journey as a missionary! A week from today I'll be stepping into the doors of the MTC!! I can't wait to learn how to teach and I hope I can be an effective missionary. Bye for now. :)

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